Music is anchored in the curricula of Germany's states in almost all grades 5 to 10. However, there are differences in the quantity of music lessons to be taught.

The amount of music lessons to be taught is determined in the Stundentafeln (time tables) of the federal states. Either it has the status of a mandatory or ‘compulsory elective’ subject under its own name, or it is indirectly a component of larger learning areas or combined subjects. The states differ in the number of weekly hours they allot to music, and in a particular state, the number varies between different types of schools.

Hours allotted to music at secondary school level I (2018)
Table: Hours Allotted to Music at Secondary School Level I (2018) (1)

Table: Hours Allotted to Music at Secondary School Level I (2018) (2)

Table: Hours Allotted to Music at Secondary School Level I (2018) (3)


This table shows the hours allotted to music at secondary school level I as far as they can be determined from the websites of the educational ministries of the states involved. For information on the basic structure of the educational system in Germany, including a classification of the various states‘ school types, see ‘Basic Structure of the Educational System in the Federal Republic of Germany’.


X = Grade level is not part of this type of school (or its secondary level I).
–  = No music instruction allotted.



  1. Only compulsory elective group IIIb.

  2. Secondary schools in Berlin and Brandenburg begin at grade 7.

  3. Depending on the resources of the school concerned, the proportion of lessons can be increased on a subject-specific basis through the ‘Compulsory elective area of informatics, visual arts, music and theatre’.

  4. Depending on the resources of the school concerned, the proportion of lessons can be increased on a subject-specific basis through the ‘Compulsory elective area of visual arts, music, theatre, informatics and applied science’.

  5. Expires in the 2018-19 school year.

  6. Only 1 hour as of the 2019-20 school year.

  7. One hour each in music history, music theory, ear training, piano/guitar, voice and choral training.

  8. Two hours each in main instrument, music theory and ear training, chorus/orchestra; one hour each in rhythm, music education; one half-hour piano as supplementary subject.

Source information

Compiled by Ortwin Nimczik using information from the State Ministries of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK).