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Öffentliche Musikschulen in Deutschland – Ergebnis- und Methodenbericht


From the municipal music school in the heart of a large city to the district music school responsible for several rural communities: 933 public music schools with 20,922 teaching facilities, in addition to private providers and freelance music teachers, ensure that the distances to music are short for many people in Germany. The number of music students has increased from year to year and most recently reached 1.5 million.

The study ‘Public Music Schools in Germany’ shows how music students are distributed among the 16 federal states and how high their share is in different age groups of the population. It also focuses on the infrastructure of the music schools: How far apart are the teaching facilities? How does the music school landscape differ in regions with dense, medium and low population density?

The results and methodology report of the study is only available online.

Download (PDF)

The cooperation partner of the study is the Association of German Music Schools (VdM), which provided its most recent statistical data (reporting year 2019) for the study.

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0,00 € (im Inland)

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Lieferzeit: voraussichtlich 5-7 Werktage

Zahlung: per Rechnung.

Herausgeber: Deutscher Musikrat gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH / Deutsches Musikinformationszentrum (miz)
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