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Musical Life in Germany

English edition To the german edition


With its rich cultural heritage and lively music scene, Germany is a country of music. Millions of people sing in choirs or play an instrument; music theatre, orchestras, ensembles and bands provide a varied musical offering. The standard work on musical life also in English: over 600 pages with 22 specialist articles, 40 statistics and graphics, 13 topographical representations and more than 400 illustrations.

Versand- und Servicepauschale je Exemplar

Versand- und Servicepauschale je Exemplar:

10,00 € (im Inland)

14,50 € (im EU-Ausland)

20,00 € (außerhalb der EU)

Lieferzeit: voraussichtlich 5-7 Werktage

Zahlung: per Rechnung.

Herausgeber: Deutscher Musikrat gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH / Deutsches Musikinformationszentrum (miz)
2019, 620, 14,8x21, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-9820705-1-3
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Zusätzliche Informationen

In 21 articles covering a broad range of topics, the German Music Information Centre (MIC or MIZ) bundles selected facts about musical life in Germany and describes developments in its central areas.

Christian Höppner – Introduction: Musical Life in Germany
Ortwin Nimczik – Music in Germany's State Education System
Michael Dartsch – Music Education outside the State School System
Johannes Voit – Music Communication
Hans Bäßler, Ortwin Nimczik – Education for Music Professionals
Astrid Reimers – Amateur Music-Making
Gerald Mertens – Orchestras, Radio Ensembles and Opera Choruses
Richard Lorber, Tobias E. Schick – Independent Ensembles
Arnold Jacobshagen – Music Theatre
Benedikt Stampa – Concert Halls
Franz Willnauer –Festspiele and Festivals
Stefan Fricke – Contemporary Music
Peter Wicke – Popular Music
Hans-Jürgen Linke – Jazz
Julio Mendívil – World Music
Meinrad Walter – Music in Church
Dörte Schmidt – Musicology
Martina Rebmann, Reiner Nägele – Information and Documentation
Heike Fricke – Music Museums and Musical Instrument Collections
Karl-Heinz Reuband – Preferences and Publics
Holger Schramm – Music in Broadcasting
Wolfgang Seufert – Music Economy