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Veranstalter: Symphonic Holidays


Béla Bartók, Concerto for Orchestra
Amy Beach, Gaelic Symphony

On a Symphonic Holiday, you play at an advanced level in an amateur orchestra while enjoying your holiday in relaxing and inviting places in Southern Europe. We combine the comforts of Mediterranean life with our essential mission: to bring together people who share a passion for music. Our daily rehearsals – sectionals guided by professional coaches – culminate in a concert performance at the end of the vacation.

Cefalù is the most vibrant of our destinations; a small town known for its picturesque historic centre with direct access to a wonderful beach. Sicily’s climate in autumn is normally still mild enough to allow swimming in the sea.

Externer Bildverweis
Foto:  Jonas Hees


Conductor: David Curtis

Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an

fortgeschrittene Amateurmusiker:innen.




Jonas Hees
10 Tras du Castel
Roquessels / Frankreich


1.230,– € including accommodation, lunch and dinner

Students: 820,– €. The reduced fee for students is limited to the number of five places on this Symphonic Holiday.