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Astor Piazzola, Ouverture (arr. Rodrigo Bauzá)
Pablo de Sarasate, Zigeunerweisen
Camille Saint-Saëns, Introduction & Rondo capriccioso
Camille Saint-Saëns, Symphony No. 2

On a Symphonic Holiday, you play at an advanced level in an amateur orchestra while enjoying your holiday in relaxing and inviting places in Southern Europe. We combine the comforts of Mediterranean life with our essential mission: to bring together people who share a passion for music. Our daily rehearsals – sectionals guided by professional coaches – culminate in a concert performance at the end of the vacation.

Bardou lies in the Parc Naturel du Haut Languedoc in the mountains near Montpellier in Southern France and is our special destination for those who appreciate the essentials of life. The accommodation is rustic but you will be rewarded with a unique setting of stunning scenery and tranquility. Consisting of twenty ancient stone houses, Bardou is an authentic example of the architecture and layout of a tiny medieval mountain hamlet.

Bardou is the perfect place for enjoying nature. Several marked trails offer short- or long-distance walks for all levels. You might also enjoy swimming in the refreshing waters of mountain streams with waterfalls and secluded deep rock pools.

Externer Bildverweis
Photo:  Jonas Hees


Concert master and soloist: Rodrigo Bauzá

Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an

fortgeschrittene Amateurmusiker:innen.


Chemin del la joie
34390 Bardou

Contact person

Jonas Hees
10 Tras du Castel
Roquessels / Frankreich


1.060,– € (students: 690,- €) including accommodation and meals. Not included are travel expenses and expenses on excursions. The reduced fee for students is limited to the number of five places on this Symphonic Holiday.