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Stadt, Land, Flöte. Orte und Kontexte des Amateurmusizierens (folded poster #3)


For 14.3 million people, making music is a regular leisure activity. They sing in gospel choirs, sit at the piano at home, accompany the children in the St. Martin's procession with their music band or meet to practise with the band. 26 % of musicians sing in choirs, three quarters of them women, most of whom are older than 30. In contrast, bands are mainly the domain of men aged 16-44 and are mostly found in an urban setting.

The diversity of opportunities is summarised in the infographic ‘Amateur Music Making’ in central categories and describes the large group of recreational musicians demographically: How old are they, what educational background do they have, and where are they at home? The data is based on a population-representative survey, the results of which were published by the German Music Information Centre in March 2021 in the study ‘Amateurmusizierende in Deutschland’ (Amateur-musicians in Germany).

The handy folding poster ‘Stadt, Land, Flöte’ (City, Country, Flute) has a large infographic on the inside and an explanatory article on the back.

Wolfgang Lessing – Kinderspiel bis Lebensprojekt. Bandbreite und Stellenwert des Amateurmusizierens.

Versand- und Servicepauschale je Exemplar

Versand- und Servicepauschale je Exemplar:

4,95 € (im Inland)

7,95 € (im EU-Ausland)

7,95 € (außerhalb der EU)

Lieferzeit: voraussichtlich 5-7 Werktage

Zahlung: per Rechnung.

Herausgeber: Deutscher Musikrat gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH / Deutsches Musikinformationszentrum (miz)
2021, 50x70 cm, doppelseitig bedruckt, auf 17,5x25 cm gefaltet
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